Triple Alliance solitaire rules (1 deck of cards)<< TriPeaks | Triple Line >>
Goal: Discard all but one card.
The entire deck is dealt into 18 piles, 3 cards to each pile except the last 2, which are dealt 2 cards each.
Select the top card of any 3 piles whose ranks are continuous. King wraps back to ace, and is continuous. The 3 cards are discarded.
One card will remain in a winning game.
Variations: Triplets
Miss Whitmore Jone lists this game twice in the same book, first as a 1 or 2-deck game named Triplets, then just a 1-deck game named Triple Alliance.
David Parlet makes the same observation, but goes on to suggest giving the Triple Alliance name to the 2-deck variation rather than the 1-deck game. As a result, both games are known by both names.
No matter the name, both games are a nice change from typical solitaire games, easy to play, and will reward you with more wins when some planning is involved.
Rules source: Games of Patience - 4th Series, Miss Whitmore Jones ~ The Complete Patience Book, Basil Dalton ~ The Penguin Book of Patience, David Parlett ~ Card Games for One, Michael Johnstone (Triplets)
This is one of 4 layouts for Triple Alliance in Solitaire Forever II.
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