Demon Fan solitaire rules (1 deck of cards)<< Decade | Deuces >>
Goal: Move out the aces when you can and build them up to king in the same suit.
Build the 18 piles of the layout down in alternating suit color. Only the top card of a pile may be moved. Empty piles can not be filled.
6 redeals are allowed. All cards still in the layout are gathered and redealt without shuffling.
Variation of: Fan (La Belle Lucie)
Difference: Only the top card of piles is dealt face up. The layout is built by alternating suit color rather than matching suits. Empty spaces can not be filled. There are 6 redeals.
A Klondike flair is added to this fan game by dealing cards face down, and alternating suit color. Empty piles can't be filled, but 6 redeals help to alleviate that.
Rather than dealing 1 card to the last pile, this variation deals 2 cards to the last 2 piles.
Rules source: Games of Solitaire, George A. Bonaventure ~ 100 Games of Solitaire, Helen L. Coops ~ The Complete Patience Book, Basil Dalton ~ Pretty Good Solitaire, Goodsol Development ~ BVS Solitaire Collection, BVS Development

This is one of 4 layouts for Demon Fan in Solitaire Forever II.
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