Saratoga solitaire rules (1 deck of cards)<< San Juan Hill | Scorpion >>
Goal: Move out the aces when you can and build them up to king in the same suit.
Build the 7 piles of the layout down in alternating suit color. You can move a group of cards that are in sequence. Empty piles can be filled with a king.
Turn over 3 cards at a time from the deck, playing the top card to other piles when you can.
Redeal as often as you wish, returning the waste pile back to the deck.
Variation of: Klondike by Threes
Difference: The cards are dealt face up.
Yorktown is Klondike dealt face up, and this does the same for Klondike by Threes.
Rules source: 150 Solitaire Games, Douglas Brown ~ Pretty Good Solitaire, Goodsol Development ~ BVS Solitaire Collection, BVS Development ~ PySol Solitaire

This is one of 8 layouts for Saratoga in Solitaire Forever II.
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