Tripeaks solitaire rules<< Trefoil | Usk >>
Also known as:
Three Peaks
Triple Peaks
One deck of cards
Objective: Play all cards to the waste.
Tableau: 3 peaks of 28 cards, dealt in 4 rows, all sharing the bottom row.
All cards are dealt face down, except the bottom row which is dealt face up.
Cards can not be moved to here.
You can play any card to the waste, so long as there are no other cards covering it.
Exposed cards can be turned face up and become available for play.
Stock: 23 cards.
The top card can be played face up to the waste.
Do this whenever you run out of possible moves.
Waste: Discard pile.
Cards can be played to here if they are one higher or lower in rank.
The cards can be any suit.
Cards can not be moved from here.
Solitaire Planet game layouts for Tripeaks:
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