Trefoil solitaire rules<< Tournament | Tripeaks >>
One deck of cards
Object: Play all cards to the foundation.
Tableau: 16 piles.
Rank is built down. Cards must match the same suit.
You can not play to an empty pile.
You can pick up and play the top card of a pile.
When there are no deals remaining, you get one grace move where you are allowed to move any single card from the middle of a pile.
Foundation: 4 piles.
Each pile is dealt a base card.
Rank is built up. Cards must match the same suit.
You can deal the cards again 2 times.
The cards are collected from the tableau and dealt again.
The collected cards are shuffled.
Variation of:
La Belle Lucie
The aces are dealt to the foundations.
As a result, there are 16 piles in the tableau rather than 18.
Solitaire Planet game layouts for Trefoil:
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