Perseverance solitaire rules<< Penguin | Prince Albert >>
One deck of cards
Object: Play all cards to the foundation.
Tableau: 12 piles.
Kings dealt to the tableau are moved to the bottom of the pile.
Rank is built down. Cards must match the same suit.
You can not play to an empty pile.
You can pick up and play a group of cards in sequence.
Foundation: 4 piles.
Each pile is dealt a base card.
Rank is built up. Cards must match the same suit.
You can deal the cards again 2 times.
The cards are collected from the tableau and dealt again.
Variation of:
Baker's Dozen
The aces are dealt.
There are 12 piles, not 13.
Suits must match, but you can move sequences, and you get 2 redeals.
Solitaire Planet game layouts for Perseverance:
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