Osmosis solitaire rules (1 deck of cards)<< Open Crescent | Pairs >>
Goal: A card is dealt to the first of 4 foundation piles. Play any card of the same suit, regardless of rank. The other foundation piles can only play a rank that has already been played to the previous piles.
4 piles are each dealt 4 cards, with the top card face up. There is no building on these cards. The top card of each pile is available for play.
Turn over 3 cards at a time from the deck, playing the top card to the foundations when you can.
Redeal as often as you wish, returning the waste pile back to the deck.
Also known as: Treasure Trove
Variations: Peek
This unique game does away with traditional building of ranks, and is easy to play for a fun, little diversion.
Rules source: The Complete Book of Solitaire & Patience Games, Albert H. Morehead & Geoffrey Mott-Smith ~ 150 Ways to play Solitaire, Alphonse Moyse, Jr. ~ The Penguin Book of Patience, David Parlett ~ Card Games for One, Michael Johnstone ~ World's Best Card Games for One, Sheila Anne Barry ~ Collins Patience Card Games, Trevor Day and The Diagram Group

This is one of 5 layouts for Osmosis in Solitaire Forever II.
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