Marechal Saxe solitaire rules (2 decks of cards)<< Manx | Maria >>
Goal: An ace and a king are dealt. Move out aces and kings of the other 3 suits when you can. Build the aces up to king in the same suit. Build the kings down to ace in the same suit.
8 cells are each dealt a card. These cards can be played onto the ace or king piles. Empty cells can be filled by any top card from the 6 piles of the layout.
The 6 piles of the layout are each dealt 4 cards. There is no building on these piles. The top card of each pile can be played to empty cells, the aces, or the kings. Empty piles are dealt 4 new cards from the deck.
Each time you are done making moves, deal 4 new cards to the top of all 6 piles.
2 redeals are allowed. All cards from the 6 piles of the layout are gathered and redealt without shuffling.
Variation of: Tournament (La Nivernaise)
Difference: One ace and one king are dealt.
Morehead & Mott-Smith are given credit for improving La Nivernaise by spreading out the cards, but Tarbart thought of it first.
Rules source: Games of Patience, Tarbart

This is one of 4 layouts for Marechal Saxe in Solitaire Forever II.
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