Colorado solitaire rules (2 decks of cards)<< Club | Congress >>
Goal: Move out an ace of each suit when you can and build them up to king in the same suit. Move out a king of each suit when you can and build them down to ace in the same suit.
A layout of 20 cards is dealt. All 20 cards are available for play onto the ace and king piles. Empty piles are filled from the deck.
Turn over 1 card at a time from the deck, playing to the ace or king piles if you can. Otherwise place cards onto any pile in the layout, regardless of rank or suit.
Also known as: Grand Canyon
This game is similar to Sly Fox, but turns up one card at a time from the deck rather than batches of 20, and aces and kings are not set out right away. Descriptions for Sly Fox vary, and in fact match Colorado exactly according to Dick and Fitzgerald, and George A. Bonaventure.
Rules source: 100 Games of Solitaire, Helen L. Coops ~ The Complete Book of Solitaire & Patience Games, Albert H. Morehead & Geoffrey Mott-Smith ~ 150 Ways to play Solitaire, Alphonse Moyse, Jr. ~ Enjoying Card Games for One, George F. Hervey ~ The Penguin Book of Patience, David Parlett ~ Card Games for One, Michael Johnstone (Grand Canyon) ~ World's Best Card Games for One, Sheila Anne Barry ~ Card Games for One, Peter Arnold

This is one of 7 layouts for Colorado in Solitaire Forever II.
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