Agnes Sorel solitaire rules (1 deck of cards)<< Agnes Bernauer | Alaska >>
Goal: One card is dealt to determine the starting rank for the 'foundation' piles. Move out the other 3 when you can, and build them up to piles of 13 cards each in the same suit. Aces play onto kings.
Build the 7 piles of the layout down in the same suit color. Kings play onto aces. You can move a group of cards that are in sequence, and all the same suit. Empty piles can be filled with anything.
Each time you are done making moves, deal a new card to the top of each pile. When the last 2 cards of the deck are reached, they are turned up and available for play.
This is one of two similar games originally titled "Agnes". To distinguish them, David Parlett gave them unique names.
Agnes Bernauer is often listed as a variation of Klondike. This game, Agnes Sorel, shares a similar layout, but has too many differences to be related to Klondike.
Some newer descriptions have skewed the original rules slightly. David Parlett does not allow spaces to be filled, nor partial piles to be moved. Solitaire Central fills spaces with a card 1 below the base rank, and does not require moved sequences to match suit.
Rules source: Games of Solitaire, George A. Bonaventure ~ The Complete Patience Book, Basil Dalton ~ Enjoying Card Games for One, George F. Hervey ~ The Penguin Book of Patience, David Parlett ~ Card Games for One, Peter Arnold ~ solitairecentral.com
This is one of 6 layouts for Agnes Sorel in Solitaire Forever II.
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