Gaps solitaire rules<< Frog | Gargantua >>
Also known as:
One deck of cards
Objective: Arrange the cards into 4 sequences from two to king, each in the same suit
Tableau: grid of 4 x 13.
The entire deck of 52 cards is dealt into the grid, and the aces are removed.
An empty location must be filled by a card with a rank one higher than the card to the left, and the same suit.
The left-most location of each row must be filled by a two.
Since no card ranks higher than king, you can not play a card to the right of a king.
When no more moves are possible, the unsorted cards can be collected, reshuffled, and dealt out again.
The aces remain unused, however, the empty locations are each placed directly next to the current sequences.
This gives an added boost to get things started.
You can deal out the cards again like this twice only.
Solitaire Planet game layouts for Gaps:
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